JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi https://rumahjurnal.or.id/index.php/juragan <p><strong>JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi </strong> adalah sebuah jurnal <em>blind peer-review</em> yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang perikanan, peternakan, pertanian, perkebunan, teknologi pangan. Jurnal Agroteknologi diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun pada bulan <strong>Januari</strong> dan <strong>Juli</strong> oleh Yayasan Rahmatan Fiddunya Wal Akhirah dalam membantu para akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi untuk menyebarkan hasil penelitiannya.</p> Yayasan Rahmatan Fiddunya Wal Akhirah en-US JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi 3025-1427 The Effect Of Brewing Technique On Sensory Testing Of Arabica And Robusta Coffee https://rumahjurnal.or.id/index.php/juragan/article/view/1224 <p>Coffee is an agricultural commodity with high economic value which plays an important role as a source of foreign exchange for the country. Two types of coffee that are widely known are Arabica and Robusta coffee, each of which has unique characteristics. Arabica coffee is known for its more sour taste and fragrant aroma, while Robusta coffee has a stronger taste and higher caffeine content. Brewing coffee affects the resulting sensory characteristics, which can be influenced by the brewing technique used. This research aims to test the sensory differences between Arabica and Robusta coffee using three manual brewing techniques, namely Siphon, French Press, and Moka Pot. Manual brewing techniques differ in the extraction method, where the Siphon uses steam pressure to extract coffee, the French Press with immersion to extract maximum coffee, and the Moka Pot uses steam pressure to produce concentrated coffee. This research measures the sensory characteristics of coffee based on taste, aroma, body, acidity and aftertaste produced by each brewing technique. The research results showed that the brewing technique had a significant impact on the sensory properties of Arabica and Robusta coffee.</p> Riris Kindeng Situmorang Copyright (c) 2025 JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 3 1 1 5 10.58794/juragan.v3i1.1224 The Identify The Influence Of Coffee Brewing Techniques on Coffee Quality https://rumahjurnal.or.id/index.php/juragan/article/view/1222 <p>Coffee is one type of plantation crop that is widely cultivated in the world. From In 1980-2013, the growth rate of coffee plant productivity in the world continued to experience increase with an average growth of 2.21%. This research aims to identify the effect of coffee brewing techniques on the quality of the taste of the coffee produced. Several brewing techniques commonly used in the coffee industry, such as the siphon, pour-over, French press, and espresso methods, have different characteristics in the process of extracting chemicals from coffee beans. Different brewing techniques are expected to produce significant differences in the taste, aroma, acidity, viscosity and caffeine content of coffee</p> Maya Zevanya Manurun Copyright (c) 2025 JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 3 1 6 12 10.58794/juragan.v3i1.1222 The Effect Of Shypon, French Press And Moka Pot Brewing On Robusta And Arabica Coffee https://rumahjurnal.or.id/index.php/juragan/article/view/1217 <p>Coffee (Coffea sp.) is one of the plantation commodities that plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. Coffee has antioxidant components in both green coffee and roasted coffee. Green coffee has higher antioxidants than roasted coffee. In general, coffee bean processing consists of three stages, namely the roasting process, the grinding process, and the brewing process. The brewing process is the process of extracting coffee with hot water. According to Lingle, in general there are three processes that occur during brewing, namely wetting, extraction and hydrolysis. Critical factors that need to be considered in choosing a brewing technique are the length of time the water is in direct contact with the ground coffee, the temperature of the water used, and the type of pressure for brewing coffee. Some of the most commonly used brewing techniques include the siphon, french press, tubruk and drip brewing techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic test of the differences in coffee brewing based on Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee using the shipon set, French press, and moka pot. Based on the research results, it is stated that Robusta coffee is better using the shipon brewing method because it can affect the color, clarity, taste and aftertaste.</p> Tiur Gressela Tamara Copyright (c) 2025 JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 3 1 13 18 10.58794/juragan.v3i1.1217 The Influence Of Brewing Techniques (Syphon, French Press, Moka Pot) On The Sensory Attributes Of Robusta And Arabic Coffe https://rumahjurnal.or.id/index.php/juragan/article/view/1220 <p>According to the International Coffee Organization, in 2016 Indonesia became the fourth largest coffee producing country in the world. The commonly known types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta. The taste of coffee is influenced by several factors such as the quality of the soil where the coffee is grown, the maturity of the coffee beans when harvested, the location of the coffee plantation, coffee production, coffee processing, roasting and brewing. The diversity of various types of coffee beans will become more visible and visible if they are brewed using various brewing methods. Currently, many kinds of tools have been created in the development of serving and brewing Manual Brewing, these tools include, namely V60, Aeropress, French Press, Moka pot, Siphon, Chemex, Cezve, and others. This article tries to summarize several brewing techniques that exist around the community to determine the quality of the coffee brew produced using this equipment. Robusta coffee is more suitable for brewing using the siphon brewing technique because the aroma and color produced from this brewing are better than using other brewing techniques.</p> Nur Paidah Copyright (c) 2025 JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 3 1 19 23 10.58794/juragan.v3i1.1220 Penerapan Efektivitas Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Pada Mata Kuliah Teknologi Pengolahan Buah Dan Sayur https://rumahjurnal.or.id/index.php/juragan/article/view/1240 <p><em>P</em><em>r</em><em>o</em><em>j</em><em>ec</em><em>t-</em><em>B</em><em>a</em><em>se</em><em>d Learning (PBL) is regarded as a successful strategy in higher education for improving students' comprehension and practical skills, particularly in application- based courses. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how well the project-based learning approach raises student interest and proficiency in a technology course on fruit and vegetable processing. 66 students enrolled in the course served as the sample for the One Group Pretest-Posttest research design. Pre-test and post-test &nbsp;evaluations&nbsp; were&nbsp; used &nbsp;to &nbsp;gather&nbsp; data, and &nbsp;the&nbsp; N-gain computation was used&nbsp; to analyze the results in order to&nbsp; gauge learning improvement. With an N-gain of 0.49, which indicates moderate effectiveness, the data demonstrate a considerable rise in post-test scores relative to pre-test levels. PBL has been shown to improve student participation in the learning process as well as academic knowledge.</em></p> Tri Rizki Surhaini Copyright (c) 2025 JURAGAN - Jurnal Agroteknologi 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 3 1 24 29 10.58794/juragan.v3i1.1240